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Victor Possum Coil Spring Traps

A favourite of professional possum trappers.

These Coil Spring traps are the standard

against which the

performance of all others are measured.


Product: Victor #1 coil spring traps

Made in USA

Contact: Trevor

MS Woodcraft Ltd

Phone: 0274371084


8.30am – 5.00pm   Monday to Friday

(Or by arranged appointment)


Coil spring versions originally introduced to

New Zealand trappers in

1980 by MS Woodcraft Ltd.

The first choice and recommended

monitoring trap for N.Z. conditions

Made for professional trappers who require

the best not the cheapest.

Proven superior catch rate compared to all

others yet, they’re compact and light weight

you can carry all you need for a long trap line.

Jaws have smooth edges but there’s

still plenty of flat surface to hold

the catch securely.

Lever openings are large to prevent

ground cover from being thrown into jaws.

When the tension is set correctly, the animal’s

weight is committed before the trap fires

taking away the animal‘s reflexes catching

it higher on the foot for a more secure hold.

Equipped with heavy duty chains and swivels

to reduce loss of larger animals.

Easy to set and conceal, these traps

lay flat and lock up quickly for

maximum success in dirt hole sets.

Traps are made with an adjustable pan

that lets trappers custom set

the pan tension to their target.

Traps NZ

Traps NZ